裏綿素材の心地よい肌触りと優しい着心地のソリッドデザインワークウェア。ストレッチ性に優れ、帯電防止規格JIS T8118もクリアした現場志向の機能性に加え、作業着としてはもちろん、サービス業向けのカジュアルなコーデも出来るdimoならではのデザイン性が魅力です。
Solid design workwear with a comfortable cotton lining for a pleasant feel and gentle fit. In addition to its field-oriented functionality with excellent stretchability and compliance with the antistatic JIS T8118 standard, it has the appeal of dimo's unique design that can be used not only as workwear but also as casual coordination for the service industry.
Available in 6 colors (beige, navy, olive, charcoal gray, stone gray, and royal blue) and 9 sizes from 3S to 5L. Unisex; can be set up with D5330 Engineer Jacket, D5331 Short Sleeve Jacket, D5340 Long Sleeve Shirt, and D5341 Short Sleeve Shirt.