dimo D617はカーキ、ネイビーをはじめコーデしやすい5色展開で、裏ボアは身頃だけにして袖は動きやすいキルティング仕様、シーンに合わせて取り外しができる脱着式フード、前立てダブルファスナーなどなど、N-1デッキジャケットを見事に現在風にアップデート。
Stylish model with a modern update of the military standard thermal N-1 deck jacket
The dimo D617 is available in five easy-to-code colors including khaki and navy. The N-1 deck jacket has been beautifully updated with current-style features such as quilted sleeves with a boa lining only on the body for easy movement, a detachable hood that can be removed for different occasions, and a double zipper on the front.
dimo D617有五种易于协调的颜色,包括卡其色和海军色。 N-1甲板夹克以现代风格进行了漂亮的更新,绗缝袖子设计,只需身体内衬蟒蛇就能轻松活动,可拆卸的帽子可在不同场合取下,前面有双扣。